Why Choose Santarlas Law?

A Boutique Law Firm

Stop Trying To Protect Your Intellectual Property Yourself

Stick to what you do best, running your business and developing new products and services that will rock the marketplace. You’re likely on a budget and understandably so. Using Santarlas Law will save you time and money from the headache of doing something out of your comfort zone. Santarlas Law can assist you with the clearance of your important and valuable assets prior to launch so you can decide how to proceed.

And No … You Shouldn’t Have Your Real Estate Attorney Do It For You

You may have a great Real Estate attorney that helps you with your “real property” such as a commercial space for your business, but you need a seasoned Intellectual Property attorney to navigate the intricacies of protecting your “intangible” property which includes important assets such as your brand, trademarks, logos and copyrightable works.

Big Law Firm Experience—Boutique Firm Advantages

Leaving Intellectual Property in the hands of someone not well versed in its intricacies will lead to mistakes and mishandling, which only results in delays, money wasted and more money spent down the road to do it right! Santarlas Law has been helping clients of all types and sizes—in a vast array of industries—protect their investments for almost 20 years.

At Santarlas Law a seasoned Intellectual Property attorney will guide you through the ins and  outs of trademark, copyright and other types Intellectual Property protection. Santarlas Law will work with you though each step, so you are free to proceed and are protected. Should issues arise, we will represent your interests through disputes, enforcement actions and settlements.

We respect your investments and we respect your budget. You will get the benefit of our experience working at big firms and for big brands, but without the overlapping charges—just straight up service with realistic costs.